★Part 1 家庭、日常生活☆
フリーダイヤル: toll-free number
例文:You can use the toll-free number to order this product.
ヘルスメーター: (bathroom) scales
Something's wrong with the scales. I weigh 5 kilos more than usual.
コンセント: socket, outlet
If you want to use this outlet, you'll need an extension cord.
★Part 2 飲食☆
アメリカンコーヒー: regular coffee
I prefer regular coffee over special blends.
フライドポテト: French fries(米)、 (potato) chips(英)
The French fries are included in the price.
ソフトクリーム: soft ice cream(米)、ice cream cones(英)
In Russia, soft ice cream is popular even in the winter.
★Part 3 行為、活動☆
ボディーチェック: body search
If the metal detector beeps, you must ask for a body search.
アフターサービス: service after the sale, after-sales service
The after-sales service at that shop has been gradually getting worse.
マンツーマン: one-on-one, one-to-one
With his one-on-one tutoring, my son's grades went up.
★Part 4 性格、様子☆
ハイセンス: good taste, refined taste
I could never match her good taste in clothing.
スマート: slim, slender
She changed her diet, lost a lot of weight, and is now quite slim.
スポーツマン: athlete
He has a brisk style, as befits an athlete.